Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Blogathon announcement: Diamonds and Gold

Ladies and Gentlemen, please join my friend and yours Rich Watson of Wide Screen World as we host the Diamonds and Gold Blogathon this coming April 12th and 13th.

Fifty is the new thirty!

Polish off that rose-amber spot and turn it on your favourite actors and actresses who ignored the siren call of social security and continued to work their magic on screen in memorable performances into their 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s and beyond.  Did they convey a fatherly presence, a malevolent influence?  Did they bring a tear to your eye, a laugh to your throat?  Be they coward or hero, friend or foe we want to hear all about them.

On Saturday, April 12th Rich will host your line-up of the great performances of extraordinary gentleman and on Sunday, April 13th yours truly will host a soiree in honour of equally formidable ladies.

RSVP to Wide Screen World or Caftan Woman.


  1. I would love to paticipate in this interesting blogathon. Could I write about Bing Crosby in Dr. Cook's Garden? I would write this for my blog A Trip Down Memory Lane. Thanks!

  2. Oh joy! May I write about Peter O'Toole in Venus? Even though the film is fairly new, O'Toole is a classic.

  3. Yes, indeed. Mr. O'Toole it is! You have excellent taste.

  4. A wonderful idea for a blogathon. I'd like to take Rosalind Russell in "A Majority of One" (1961).

    1. Fabulous!

      To quote my daughter Janet, who was plopped on the couch during the last part of "The Velvet Touch" - "Rosalind Russell is so cool."

  5. Hi, gal!
    The banner with Kate Hepburn gave me my theme: Inherit the Wind, in which her sweetheart Spencer Tracy and Fredric March have wonderful performances.

  6. Our Lady of Great Caftan, deal me in -- I'm going with Harry Davenport and one of my favorites of his many fine performances, The Ox-Bow Incident (1943).

    Thrilling Days of Yesteryear

  7. Just wanna say thanks to everybody for joining in.

  8. Hi! Can I cover Gloria Swanson's post-50 career? Focusing on Sunset Boulevard, and her subsequent shift to theater/television work? My site is Thanks--this is such a great idea!

  9. Congratulations on joining the CMBA.

    Absolutely thrilled you will be joining the blogathon.

  10. MAN! Gotta move fast around here! Wonderful choices so far and I love this topic! If it's OK by CW and Rich I'm gonna go with Josephine Hull in HARVEY (1950). Been wanting to post something on that movie for some time and she's fantastic in it. :)

    Once Upon a Screen (

    1. I can hardly wait to read your piece on the marvelous Josephine Hull!

  11. Hi there! I'd like to do "Charade" with a focus on Mr. Grant.

    1. My heart just skipped a beat. Cary and all his "Charade" aliases. Excellent!

  12. What a great idea for a blogathon! I would love to participate.

    I'm thinking I will tackle "The Iceman Cometh," which is the final film of 2 of my great loves---Robert Ryan and Fredric March, both of whom were 60+ at the time.

    This is rather a lofty goal, considering that the film is over 4 hours long. It's one I've been wanting to watch for awhile now, and this blogathon is just the "kick in the pants" I need to get at it.

    1. Patti, I applaud your choice. "The Iceman Cometh" is quite an emotional experience and I know you will do a wonderful job.

    2. CW, I wanted to let you know that I am going to have to bow out of the blogathon. I've had something come up in April, and I just won't have the time to participate.

    3. Life gets in the way doesn't it, Patti. Hope you'll have time to enjoy reading the other entries and that your real life plans go well.

    4. It's me again. My April trip is being postponed, so while things will still be a bit busy, I should be able to participate in this blogathon. However, I think "The Iceman Cometh" is too daunting at the present time, simply because of the film's length. Instead, how do you feel about a made-for-TV movie. I discovered a 1983 Jimmy Stewart/Bette Davis movie called "Right of Way." I'd like to highlight that if that would be acceptable.

    5. Patti, I'll host your post so we can have Bette Davis join all the other gals. Looking forward to it. I haven't even thought of that film in years.

  13. Great idea! If it's okay with you, I am in with William S Hart in The Toll Gate (1920), one of his best good bad men westerns. He was 54 and still a top box office draw.

    1. Fritzi, I adore Bill Hart. So happy you and he will be part of the blogathon.

  14. I would like to participate and write about Edna May Oliver. Up until TCM's salute to Oscars for February, I was having fun watching her sleuthing films on Saturday mornings; that she made co-starring with James Gleason.

    1. Terrific! I was hoping someone would put the spotlight on the wonderful Edna May!

  15. Great idea! If it's ok I'd like to write about Crawford and Davis in 'Whatever Happened To Baby Jane?'/the films they went onto after/how if fits into their legacy...does that work/

    1. Your plan for a Crawford/Davis article sound wonderful!

  16. Hi, I'd like to do something on the 1987 film 84 Charing Cross Road particularly on a favorite of mine, Anne Bancroft. But also definitely the performance of her amazing costar Anthony Hopkins. Thought I'd try something more contemporary than I usually do. Thanks

    1. So pleased you want to participate and thrilled at your subject.

  17. Was just having a discussion about the sadness I feel about older actors/actresses. I'd like to claim Mr. Bill Holden in either Breezy or The Omen 2 (haven't decided which).

    1. Excellent choice! Glad to have you on board, Kristen.

  18. Great idea for a blogathon - I'd like to join in and write about Laurence Olivier in 'Bunny Lake Is Missing' (1965) if that is OK - might mention some of his other later roles too. Judy

    1. Terrific! So happy to have your thoughts on Sir Larry for the blogathon.

  19. Caftan Woman, I know I asked to be included in the fabulous DIAMONDS AND GOLD Blogathon at WIDE SCREEN WORLD, but I didn't see it here on your blog, so I'm just confirming that blogging about WITNESS FOR THE PROSECUTION, an early TALES OF THE EASILY DISTRACTED post that I wanted to freshen up! Hope that won't be confusing -- I'm looking forward to DIAMONDS AND GOLD to remind us guys and gals of "of a certain age" that we've got Blogathon fun to share, too! :-)

  20. So confused! Kidding. There was dancing in the streets when you agreed to participate in the blogathon. Real actual dancing. Well, sorta. We couldn't have the party without you.

  21. Nice idea for a blogathon. I'd love to write about John Wayne in True Grit.

  22. Ooh! May I write about Marie Dressler's "comeback" career in the late 1920s?

    Beth D. of Mildred's Fatburgers

  23. What day should I publish my blog entry and what should the title be?

    1. Rich (Wide Screen World) will be hosting all the posts about the fellows on Saturday, April 12th. Just put a reference to the blogathon in the title followed by Bing in Dr. Cook's Garden. It could be straight-forward or any cheeky way that comes to mind.

  24. My post on A MAJORITY OF ONE with Rosalind Russell and Alec Guinness is up here:

    Thanks for the opportunity to participate.

  25. Good morning. Here is my link to the Bette Davis/James Stewart film, Right of Way.

    Thanks so much for hosting.

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Terence Towles Canote at A Shroud of Thoughts is hosting The 8th Annual Favourite TV Show Episode Blogathon . The popular blogathon is runn...