Wednesday, March 16, 2022


Terence Towles Canote at A Shroud of Thoughts is hosting The 8th Annual Favourite TV Show Episode Blogathon. The popular blogathon is running from March 18th to 20th.

First aired: Sunday, February 13, 1966
Written by Ernest Frankel and Orville H. Hampton
Based on Erle Stanley Gardner's The Case of the Moth-Eaten Mink
Directed by Jesse Hibbs

Introducing the cast of characters:

PERRY MASON (Raymond Burr)
Attorney-at-law whose clients pay for advice they refuse to follow.

DELLA STREET (Barbara Hale)
Efficient secretary who is not easily fazed by the risks taken by her crusading boss. Perks of the job include the boss and gallery openings.

PAUL DRAKE (William Hopper)
A private detective who does have clients other than Perry Mason, but it is funny how all roads seem to lead back to the attorney.

LT. STEVE DRUMM (Richard Anderson)
This case has the by-the-book officer seeking more than justice and looking in the wrong places.

BOBBI DANE (Francine York)
A young buyer for an art gallery who is on the receiving end of unwanted attention from gangsters.

FRANCIS CLUNE (Donald Murphy)
An art gallery owner who tries to do the right thing but can't escape police harassment.

SGT. DEKE BRADLEY (Mark Tapscott)
A man with a definite agenda and an apparent chip on his shoulder.

BERT KANNON (Allan Melvin)
A reporter with a sharp nose for news or should we wonder where he gets his stories.

OLAF DEERING (Peter Mamakos)
His trucking firm is the target of hijackings, and he wants to know the reason.

ESTELLE PAIGE (Elisabeth Fraser)
Her troubles began when she merged her trucking firm with that of Olaf Deering.

CAMPBELL BOYD (Richard Angarolo)
A pop artist with the attitude of a true iconoclast.

FLOYD WALTERS (Stanley Clements)
A trusted employee at Deering's trucking firm.

MAC (Steve Conte)
Underling to a gang leader who won't put up with much more bungling.

BUD (Paul Genge)
This case not only baffles the police but also keeps the crooks on their toes.

HAMILTON BURGER (William Talman)
The District Attorney must walk a fine line to bring about the desired conviction in this dramatic case.

JUDGE (Kenneth MacDonald)
Presiding over an emotional case, he must keep D.A. Burger and Attorney Mason in line.

If like me, you are a fan of Erle Stanley Gardner's 1952 novel The Case of the Moth-Eaten Mink or the 1957 television episode, you will note the exciting twists Ernest Frankel and Orville Hampton took with the case, and the incidents they left behind to streamline one of Gardner's most engrossing plots.

The diverging threads of the plot include a murdered police officer, the unexpected discovery of the murder weapon, a piece of pop art the gallery obtained for less than its worth, and hijacking in the trucking industry. Perry is representing an art gallery owner and his buyer as the detective was murdered in the gallery's storeroom. Gallery owner Clunes had contacted the police regarding the suspicious circumstances surrounding the purchase of Sausalito Sunrise. However, the police have no record of the report; only the body of an admired colleague.

Paul Drake goes undercover on what is presumed to be an unrelated case as a trucker when a firm that expanded by a recent merger finds itself the victim of hijackings and thefts. The undercover assignment and an intense hijacking sequence add immensely to the excitement of the episode.

Sausalito Sunrise

Season nine of Perry Mason is filled with interesting episodes including Perry behind the Iron Curtain in The Case of the Fugitive Fraulein, and a colour episode based on Dickens' Oliver Twist in The Case of the Twice-Told Twist.

The crowning glory is a finale for the ages in The Case of the Final Fade-Out when such a thing was rare in episodic television. The episode features murder on the set of a television series with many amusing cameo appearances and asides for the fans. Perhaps a fellow classic TV fan knows of a previous series finale, but I have no record of one predating this cheeky ending for Perry Mason

Final words from Janet Hall, Caftan Woman's daughter:

    Thank you everyone for reading Caftan Woman's thoughtful insights on the media she loved so much. More than just the watching of it, it was the sharing of the shows and movies she loved that brought her so much joy. It was her wish that the works she had as drafts be published; she loathed to leave unfinished business. And it feels fitting that her last work would be about Perry Mason, a show she cherished and wrote about often.

She asked me to "include some pithy comments" for this post, and while I'd like to oblige, I'm just far too grateful to all of her friends in the classic movie blogosphere to try my hand at wit right now.

She was so proud of this blog not just for her writing which she put so much care and thought into, but more for the community she was able to join and help cultivate because of it. She would read and comment on everyone else's posts because of that love of sharing, excited to see what her friends and fellow enthusiasts had to say. And your blogs and usernames became household names to us here because of that. It wasn't just the movies and shows that brought her joy, it was all of you, her dear friends who did.

Her blog will remain up as it is, so anyone and everyone can still enjoy her writings. She wouldn't want it any other way.

And it is with that, with a loss at what else to say, I'll leave you with a paraphrased quote:

    "My mother thanks you, my father thanks you, my brother thanks you, and I thank you."


  1. Thanks for sharing this, was honoured to meet your mum via the entertainment blogging world, she was always there with a heartfelt comment and support. She's one of the most generous and caring of people and this always came out in her lovely way of always being there for us allxx

  2. This made me to happy to see one more post, and Janet, your lovely closing comments made me tear up.

    I'm so glad this blog will remain available, a tangible way we can still connect with your dear mother. I'm forever grateful for her enthusiastic writings as well as her friendship and support.

    Best wishes,

  3. This was a great gift to us, Janet. Thank you so much, and how fitting to end with a blogathon entry and Perry Mason. She will always be in our hearts.

  4. Right now I am crying, as Paddy's final post was for my annual Favourite TV Show Episode Blogathon. I know she always enjoyed it and looked forward to it each year. Anyway, those of us in the classic film and TV community all loved your mother so much. Paddy had such love and enthusiasm for classic movies and TV shows, and she loved them sharing about them as well. She certainly brightened all of our lives. I am so grateful to have known her. You and your family have my deepest condolences.

  5. Thank you so much, Janet, for sharing your mom's final post with us. She was very special to me, as a regular contributor to my annual "giant" Dark Pages newsletter, as a great supporter of my blog (she was the only person who commented on every post I did each day during Noirvember every year!), and as a fellow lover of classic film. From her comments, I also feel that I got to know her family, especially you! (If you haven't already, I hope you'll watch The Killing -- Paddy mentioned last Noirvember that she hadn't gotten around to making you watch it yet. It's a good one!) Please know that I will continue to keep you and your family lifted up as I pray for your comfort, your strength and, most of all, your peace.

  6. Sending you and your family my thoughts, Jill. I looked forward to your mom's posts and commentary daily. Her posts were often the first posts I'd see when I'd log on. And I always enjoyed her responses on my YouTube Channel. It was a highlight for me when I'd receive a notification from "Paddy", and she was one of the people I looked forward to reading comments from the most.

    Having gone through losing my best friend, my mom, I still find myself at a loss for words as to what to say ... It's ... a process.

    Thank you so much for posting this and sharing your words. And I'm so happy to know these blogs will stay up.

    Take care of yourself.


  7. Janet, I feel like I know you almost as well as your mother, because of this blog. She was immensely proud of both you and Gavin and it meant so much to her that both of you shared her love of old movies and TV. Thanks for letting us have one more taste of her words (and thanks to you too, Terence, for the blogathon). Best wishes to you and your family.

  8. Janet, thank you so much for publishing this draft and for your closing words. I'm happier because I got to know your mom online, she made us all feel valued and cherished. The blogosphere was a better place because of her.
    A big hug from Brazil,

  9. Janet, thank you for giving us your Mother's last write-up on one of her favorite tv shows, PERRY MASON.

    I only knew Paddy Lee from her wonderful writings and our comments back and forth. She always took time to answer, which is a courtesy that was much appreciated. In this way I feel that we became friends. I miss her.

    My condolences and best wishes to you and your family.

  10. Thank you for sharing one last post with us, and for keeping her blog online. It's almost like having her with us.

    I never met her in person, but I feel like we were friends. I still catch myself thinking, What film has Paddy Lee written about this week? Thankfully her writings are still accessible, and I'm glad to be able to read/re-read her thoughts on a film I've just seen.

  11. Thank you so much, Janet, for that beautiful tribute--your mom was and is a treasure. She always had something thoughtful or funny (maybe both) to say whenever we talked on Twitter or in the comment section and I looked forward to her new posts. So glad her blog is going to stay up. It makes me want to go back to the beginning and read all the way through it.

    My deepest condolences to you and yours.

  12. And we thank you, Janet, for sharing your mom's wonderful thoughts with us this final time. You and your family have my sympathy <3

  13. Hi, I'm a latecomer to the blog scene, but your mother was always kind and helpful. I wish you and your family well! Cheers, Rick

  14. Paddy Lee was a wonderful woman and friend. My love to you, Janet, and to your father and brother.

  15. Thanks for letting us know, and terribly sorry for her and your loss, and that of all her friends and fellow acquaintances such as myself. She was a charming and spirited blogger and enthusiast of the moving image, and, of course, a lot more.

  16. I just recently found about Paddy Nolan-Hall passing away. What sad news! My condolences to Janet and the rest of her family.

    During her lifetime, it's nice that she enjoyed classic movies & TV so much, and she certainly did a lot to inspire that interest in others.

    She was gracious when I interacted with her a bit on Twitter and email, and nice enough to blog about a novelette I wrote involving classic film. Much appreciated!

  17. This, too, is much appreciated, dear:
    ☆ ☆
    God bless you.

  18. Is that TV show still available today? Hope it is nice.


  20. That sounds intriguing! Perry Mason always delivers gripping legal mysteries. Is this a reference to an episode or a storyline you're exploring?



Terence Towles Canote at A Shroud of Thoughts is hosting The 8th Annual Favourite TV Show Episode Blogathon . The popular blogathon is runn...