Talented and lovely Janis Paige has starred in film (One Sunday Afternoon, Silk Stockings), Broadway (Remains to be Seen, The Pajama Game), television (Wagon Train, All in the Family) and toured (Gypsy, Mame). Did you see her on the Tony's a couple of years ago? Still a looker!
Talented and lovely Doris Day is a recording star (Sentimental Journey, Que Sera Sera), a movie star (Calamity Jane, Pillow Talk) and a television star (The Doris Day Show). Happy in retirement she devotes her time to animal protection.
It's been a while since we've traversed the twisted trivia trail.

In 1954 Janis Paige had a major hit starring as Babe Williams in The Pajama Game on Broadway. T'was ever thus that Hollywood studios were always afeared that a "name" in the theatre would not translate into box office.

So, the casting round went around. If Frank Sinatra had said "yes" to The Pajama Game then Janis would be brought back to Hollywood. Frank said "no". Box office gold Doris said "yes" and Broadway leading man Raitt, and most of the original cast, appeared in the appealing 1957 film.

So goes the merry-go-round of entertainment.
That six degrees of separation thing has been going on for quite awhile.