Monday, June 17, 2013

A Liebster! For me?

Have you met Gwen of Movies, Silently?  She's a grand gal - knowledgeable, bright and with a great sense of humour.  A couple of weeks back Gwen graciously awarded this blog the coveted Liebster Award.  In such cases I would like to be diligent about responding, but it's been a busy time with the end of my choir's season.  In March when Aurora of Once Upon a Screen sent the Liebster my way, I backed out of the forwarding component of the award and feel I must continue in that vein.  One reason being that I fear I may have forgotten whom I may have "liebstered" in the past (a mind is a terrible thing to waste).  However, I would like to suggest that anyone who stumbles into this little corner of the internet take a gander at my blog list and take the time to check out at least one blog you may not have visited  before.  I guarantee a good time.

I blushingly thank Gwen very much for the honour and present 11 Caftan Woman facts:

1.  I'm afraid of heights.
2.  I play the lottery every week.  One ticket.  Hopelessly optimistic.
3.  Our first family cats were named Buddy and Sally after famous sitcom characters.
4.  I consider gravy a beverage.
5.  My favourite "boy bands" are The Hi Lo's, The Mills Brothers and The Sons of the Pioneers.
6.  I stopped dying my hair a few years ago because I like silver highlights and I'm lazy.
7.  When I was a little girl I wanted to be a poet or a big band singer when I grew up.
8.  I used to play hookey and hang out in the school library reading plays.
9.  I love the sound of a train whistle late at night.
10. Don't ask me about my kids or I will never stop talking.
11. My husband and I both thought the theme to The Great Escape would be a good recessional wedding theme, but the church organist didn't know it.

Reporter Gwen's questions:

1. What is one of your favorite “show, don’t tell” movie moments? You know, moments that really symbolize the characters, mood or setting without dialogue or narration.
Rev. Clayton tries to make himself invisible while Ethan and Martha silently say good-bye in John Ford's The Searchers.

2. Name five of your favorite film scores.
The Big Country (Jerome Moross)
Shane (Victor Young)
Genevieve (Larry Adler)
Dial M for Murder (Dimitri Tiomkin)
Rear Window (Franz Waxman)

3. What was your favorite childhood game?
Cops and Robbers

4. What really weird food did you like as a kid?
I was crazy for bologna.  My grandparents had a store and Pappy would give me a slice of bologna whenever a customer ordered any.

5. What decade of the 20th century exemplifies coolness to you?
The 1940s, the dawning of film-noir.

6. Name three underrated movies/books/albums that you think everyone should see/read/listen to. (Choose three of the same or mix and match!)
3 British comedies:  The Happiest Days of Your Life, A Run for Your Money, Genevieve

7. What music would you like to have played every time you enter a room?
Ron Goodwin's theme for Miss Marple, Murder She Said.

8. What is your favorite thing to cook?
I love to bake, especially my mom's recipe for black and white squares.

9. The store you lose yourself in is The World's Biggest Book Store in Toronto.

10. How do you eat Oreos? (Or the #1 goodie in your country if you are not in the U.S.)
Funny thing.  My daughter just tucked into a bag of Oreos.  They don't do anything for me any more.  I'll have to bake those black and white squares. 

11. How did you decide on the name of your blog?
Five years ago I bought myself a caftan.  It was a thing of beauty and polyester and many colours.  My husband and daughter laughed at me.  I haughtily placed my hands on my hips in the classic Wonder Woman stance and said "You dare to laugh at Caftan Woman?!"  I liked the sound of it.

Thanks, Gwen.  It's a pleasure to sound off and humbling to be honoured.


  1. Hi there! I loved your answers, especially the tale of your blog's name. Thank you for always being so entertaining!

  2. Ah - now the world knows that grave is a beverage! Thank you for confirming what I always suspected!

  3. Again, Gwen, thanks for the recognition. Lovin' your gifs!

  4. Well, FlickChick, old pal we know Norma D. didn't stay so svelte by indulging in gravy. Aren't we glad we're not her?

  5. What a fun post! Your caftan sounds great...I'll bet it keeps you warm in the winter months. And I love that that purchase birthed a new identity!

    So when you win the lottery, you will be able to browse that fantastic-looking bookstore and buy all the books you want!!

    I'm with you on the Oreos. Just give me potato chips!!

    Thanks for sharing about yourself.

    Have a great day,

  6. Patti, you nailed it. The lottery people might just as well turn the money over to The World's Biggest Bookstore.

  7. I loved learning more about you... I also loved how you named your blog.

    When you win the lottery, please do not forget your blogger friends..

    I have not had an Oreo in years.. I prefer.. Starbucks Mocha Frappuccino :)

  8. Ooh, Dawn, a Starbucks Mocha Frappacino sounds very chichi and very yummy.

    It's one thing to say my blog name was inspired by my family, but another thing to know it came about from teasing. I feel like Paul Harvey and his old "the rest of the story".

  9. You go, Caftan Woman! You're most deserving indeed, my friend!

    On a different note, all of us here hope you and our other friends and fellow bloggers and loved ones living in Canada are managing to stay safe with the flood waters! We're keeping you in our thoughts and prayers!

  10. I love LOVE your random facts. Gravy as a beverage? You bet!

    I nearly spewed my tea all over my screen when you suggested using the theme to "The Great Escape" during your wedding. Brilliant.

    Congrats on your Liebster! I enjoyed learning more about you. :)

  11. Dorian, we're all thinking about the people in Alberta. It's surreal to see a big city like Calgary being evacuated due to the flooding. The population seems to be handling it with grace and humour.

  12. Thanks, my "SS" pal. I`m both sorry and glad about your tea spewing.

  13. I'll take a Caftan Woman movie over another Superman movie any day of the week.

    Loved "The Great Escape" wedding music anecdote. A friend of mine who is a big Bernard Herrmann fan had the d.j. at his wedding reception play the shower music from "Psycho" as he and his new bride cut the wedding cake. There were a lot of gasps, and laughs, at that one.

  14. JTL, that's what I tell people, but they never believe me.

  15. Thanks, Kevin. A caftan is a good as a cape any old day.

    Your friends sound like keepers.

  16. I loved your answers to questions 6 and 7! What better entrance music than the Miss Marple theme? How true. Another great British comedy gem is "Runaway Bus" featuring Margaret Rutherford and a young Petula Clark. And "Fast Lady" is also very good, starring Stanley Baxter. So is "The Bridal Path" with Bill Travers, and don't forget...oh dear, this could go on and on...

  17. Yes, we could very easily go on and on about our favourite classic British comedies.

    It tickles me that you like "my" theme song. Ta very much.



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